Monday, July 29, 2019

10 Extremely gruesome deaths in Happy Tree Friends

Happy Tree Friends is one of the most violent cartoons of all time despite the name and these fatalities prove my point to a tee. From disembowelment to being forced into heavy machinery, join me as we count down 10 deaths that are cruel and unusual even for this show. Note: To prevent Petunia and Sniffles from taking up the whole list, I will only list 1 death per character. Warning: This list contains rampant bloodshed and gruesome violence. Viewer's discretion is advised. In keeping with Google's terms of service, there will be no pictures, but the episodes can easily be found and watched online.. If you dare!

#10: Cub's worst day ever: And The Kitchen Sink

While he dies a comparatively nonviolent death of drowning in the end, the injuries he suffers before hand firmly puts this entry on the list. First he gets scalded by extremely hot sink water, then his lower half gets destroyed beyond repair (barring respawning) when his father turns on the garbage disposal. When pulling him out proves impossible, said father presses on the bones that used to hold his legs. Then he ties a rope around the youngster's neck and tries to tow him out with his car, which sends them both crashing throughout the town before they end up going over a waterfall.

#9: Toothy's front teeth injuries: And Inconvenient Tooth

After planting some flowers, Toothy accidentally drinks the fertilizer he was using and his teeth start growing. He first tries to file the teeth down, but that only temporarily solves the problem. Then he tries to pull the teeth out with pliers, but he stumbles backwards in pain and falls onto a wagon, which rolls down a large hill. After his problem is finally gone (the tooth he didn't pull out broke off during his unintentional wagon ride), Toothy is then run over by Lumpy's truck.

#8: Shifty becomes a gold statue: Sea What I Found

While trying to escape a melting submarine they just robbed, Lifty gets trapped under some rubble and his twin brother Shifty steals all the gold he had. Karma soon hits, however, as the heat from the submarine causes Shifty's feet to melt with each step he takes and eventually all the gold melts onto on, burning him irreparable. When the submarine finally explodes, Lifty tries to drag Shifty's golden corpse to the surface, but its too heavy and he drowns.

#7: Cuddles gets trapped in a coffin: Can't stop coffin

During a baseball game gone wrong, Cuddles winds up getting buried in a coffin. After scrapping the skin off his fingers in an attempt to claw his way out, Cuddles nearly gets incinerated after lighting a match to see what he's doing, then he nearly drowns when Lumpy starts watering the ground above the coffin. After that, Lumpy accidentally drives his car right onto the grave and his attempts to get it out only result in it sinking and scraping Cuddles' face off. The coffin then sinks into the mole's underground home and he takes one of Cuddles' eyes thinking its an apple (he's blind). Finally, Cuddles is crushed by Lumpy's car.

#6: Disco Bear's back repair fail: Put Your Back In It

After breaking his back badly enough for his spine to stick out during a gym visit, Disco Bear tries to fix himself using tape. However, this does very little to ease the extreme pain he's going through. After somehow going to the beach, he's attacked by a large dog and his spine is separated from the rest of him when it somehow catches Russell's fishing line.

#5: Lumpy's doughnut shop mishap: The Chokes On You

While working at a donut shop, Lumpy swallows a donut without chewing and starts choking on it. While stumbling he hits a shelf and a falling knife impales his arm. He then uses the knife to cut a hole in his throat so he can breathe. He then tries to swallow the donut again, which results in it getting stuck in the hole he made. While stumbling again, his hand lands in the deep fryer and then gets stuck on a counter, where the mole cuts a donut out of it. After tearing his arm away from his ruined hand, he falls on the conveyor belt and gets ripped to pieces.

#4: Lifty takes a fence to the crotch: Buns of Steel

During a doomed attempt at robbing a bread bun truck, Lifty winds up having his legs bolted to both his truck and the bun truck. Before he can even think of trying to escape, he gets dragged crotch first over a long wooden fence, which cuts him in half until the only things left are his head and bloody veins.

#3: Handy gets chained to a train: Don't Yank My Chain

After spending trying to remove the ball and chain keeping him tied to the then deceased Mole, Handy tries breaking the chain by letting a train run over it. Instead, the train grabs the chain and drags the poor handless beaver across the ground, finely grinding him until the only thing left is a bloody pulp that in no way resembles a mammal.

#2: Petunia is attacked by a demon: Read Em And Weep

While trying to sell cookies to Pop, Petunia gets grabbed by the demon possessing Cub and is then partially skinned. She manages to get away and hide under the sink, only for the demon's tentacles to come through the sink and pull her through the pipes, turning on the garbage disposal for good measure.

#1: Sniffles is forced to disembowel himself: Tongue In Cheek

After several failed attempts at catching some humanoid ants, Sniffles tries using a mind controlled ant robot to kill them. When that fails,he is knocked unconscious and awakens to find the ants reprogrammed his helmet so he is forced to mimic the movements of one of the ants. First the ants make him eat a razor blade filled apple and shove his tongue in a paper shredder, then they force him to nail his tail to the ground and wrap his tongue around a double sided paddle, which he is made to rotate until it starts spinning like a helicopter upon being released and tears his innards out, while he's alive and helpless.

Thank God these deaths can't happen to us in the real world. If you know of any death scenes I might've missed and trust me, there were too many to list, feel free to make some suggestions in the comments section. I'll see you later. Have a good day or night depending on what time it is.

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