Wednesday, July 25, 2018

15 Video game bosses you can't lose to

These guys make Glass Joe look like One Punch Man. From a goldfish in a bowl to a mad scientist who falls down a flight of stairs while boasting about his advantage after you, join me as we count 15 bosses who have literally no chance of beating you.

#15: OverPowered: Lord Zenith

This won't take long.
This guy gets a lot of build up as monstrous force. By the time you reach him, however, you've already acquired an ancient artifact that's turned you into an unstoppable super hero. During the fight, his fireballs bounce right off of you and he dies the moment you touch him.

#14: Spider-Man 2: Mysterio

Wasn't the comic version a legitimate threat or something
Once you find him in a store, his life bar grows to enormous size. However, all he does throughout the "fight" is taunt you and he falls to a single punch. Talk about anticlimactic.

#13: Star Fox Adventures: General Scales

If he actually fought you, he would've made for a great boss battle!
From the start, this guy is portrayed as a terrifying villain. When you finally get to fight him, however, all he does is move around making different poses and the battles ends once you attack him.

#12: Fable: Lucien Fairfax

Promising lead up, disappointing final boss.
This guy just stands around talking about how he has the ultimate power until either you shoot him or Steve does it for you.

#11: Undertale: Asriel Dreemur

All that power and yet a simple kid bests him!
Usually, a fight against a god is stacked in the god's favor. In this case, though, the sheer determination your character has after going through the pacifist route causes him to reincarnate after being killed.

#10: Mother 3: Negative Man

Somebody's seen Titanic a few too many times.
This guy just sits in place while complaining about life and waiting for your party to end him. He'll occasionally attack you, but the strike only cause 1 point of damage.

#9: Mirror's Edge: Jacknife

Worst. Hostage situation. Ever.
All you do is take a running jump into the helicopter he's riding and you'll kick him right out. Pretty pathetic for a final boss, am I right.

#8: Incredible Hulk: The Leader

At least act like you care, bro!
Obviously most non-god beings are gonna have a tough time taking on the unbelievably strong Hulk, but this guy didn't even bring a weapon. All he does is stand in place and wait for you to knock him into the pit behind him.

#7: Final Fantasy 7: Sephiroth's final battle

From killing countless people including Aerith to being easily stomped.
After spending the whole game as an unstoppable force, the final battle with him turns into a joke since he has only 1 hp and 0 in all other stats besides dexterity. If he attacks, Cloud immediately counters with Omnislash. This is after beating him in his rather tough Bizarro and Safer forms, by the way.

#6: Chrono Trigger: Golem Overlord

That attack he supposedly has? He's never gonna use it!
This guy looks pretty scary, but the horror factor dies completely because he's A:afraid of heights and B: fighting you on a flying airplane. Eventually, his fear causes him to flee.

#5: Alice Madness Returns: Mecha

One of the few times I can think of where taking down a giant robot took zero effort.
March Hare and Dormouse prepare to battle you with a gigantic robot... which is immediately destroyed after the Mad Hatter drops a large kettle on it.

#4: Mario Is Missing: The Koopalings

Didn't this guy pose a threat on other occasions!

Ludwig and Lemmy just run back and forth, making no effort to end you. 

#3: Borderlands Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt DLC: Professor Nakayama

This guy is a lesson on stair safety.
This guy boasts about how he's gonna kill you... only to kill himself after falling down a flight of stairs. Epic fail.

#2: Monster Party: Dead reptilian... thing

If he's dead, how is he talking?
This boss is dead before you even get to him. Need I say more?

#1: Earthworm Jim: Bob the Goldfish

Finish him!
This guy appears several times throughout the series and each time Jim dispatches him effortless. In the first game, his bowl falls over if you so much as touch it. The sequel makes it even easier: Jim just takes him out of the bowl and devours him without you doing anything.

I know I've missed some other absolutely pathetic excuses of bosses, so feel free to name any that you know of in the comment section. I'll see you later. Have a good day or night depending on what time it is.


Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Top 10 Power Rangers themes

These tunes will have you chanting "Go Go Power Rangers" all over again. From the Zordon era to the Nickelodeon shows, here are my 10 favorite Power Rangers theme songs (not that any of them are bad, mind you). The information was gathered from the Power Rangers Wikia and the WatchMojo video of the same topic.

#10: Power Rangers Ninja Steel

Noam Kaniel's latest hit combines the traditional rock of Power Rangers with various Japanese elements.

#9: Power Rangers Mystic Force

Marco Marinangeli adds an awesome flair to this medieval season.

#8: Power Rangers Lost Galaxy

Jeremy Sweet's galactic hit is out of this galaxy.

#7: Power Rangers Jungle Fury

Lior Rosner's upbeat theme matches the Jungle Rangers perfectly.

#6: Power Rangers SPD

Ron Wasserman's energetic intro perfectly introduces us to Space Patrol Delta.

#5: Power Rangers In Space

Ron Wasserman just made space much more awesome.

#4: Power Rangers Dino Thunder

Bruce Lynch's Triassic rock tune roars with triumph.

#3: Power Rangers Dino Charge

Noam Kaniel makes an awesome tribal theme for this team of dino-rific rangers.

#2: Power Rangers Zeo

The Rangers are stronger than ever and Jeremy Sweet's intro shows it.

#1: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Ron Wasserman's gnarly hit proves that sometimes, the original just cannot be beat.

Honorable mentions

Power Rangers Turbo

Jeremy Sweet puts this opening into overdrive.

Power Rangers Ninja Storm

Jeremy Sweet's awesome hit starts with a backstory and ends with a hardcore yet calm rock song.

Power Rangers Samurai

Noam Kaniel did a pretty good job with his cover of the original MMPR theme.

Power Rangers Wild Force

Lior Rosnor brings the party to the jungle with this awesome opening.

I would've just put every Power Rangers theme ever made, but I didn't want to keep updating this list for the rest of my life. Of course, this list is only my opinion, and I don't mind if your's is different. I'll see you later. Have a good day or night depending on what time it is.

15 Interesting plants

Nature's other major resource has plenty of variety. From highly poisonous berries to fly-eating leafs, join me as we count down 15 rather unusual plants.

#15: Hooker's Lips (Yes, that's what it's called)

Pucker up pollinators!
This flower looks like a pair of lips. It apparently evolved this shape to attract pollinators like butterflies and hummingbirds.

#14: Pitcher plant

Take a drink... If you dare!
These plants have a very simple way of trapping prey. Their pitchers are full of a sweet smelling liquid. An insect or small mammal wonders in and dooms itself to digestion since the walls are too slippery to scale.

#13: Skeleton flower

Where's the bulk of the petals?
These petals of these herbs are normally white, but they turn transparent when wet. They regain their white color when they dry. Why this happens remains a mystery.

#12: Rosary Pea

Such Beauty! Such poison!
These red seeds might seem harmless, but the abrin within them is toxic to humans. Despite this, they are popular in making beads and percussive instruments. They can be handled as long as you don't spill the abrin into a cut or try to sallow them after they were broken open.

#11: Black Sapote

These fruits taste like chocolate pudding when ripe. They are also lower in fat than actual chocolate pudding and have 4 times as much vitamin C as oranges. These fruits are perfect for a variety of sweet deserts.

#10: Venus flytrap

Message to all winged insects: flying into this thing's mouth is a death sentence!
Nearly every man-eating plant in fiction owes their existence to this plant. It works on a trigger system; when a fly or other sweet seeking insect touches 2 trigger hairs inside the mouth, the trap snaps shut in less than a second and starts to digest the victim.

#9: Pomegranate

That's a lot of seeds.
They may look like regular fruits from the outside, but cutting them open will reveal a massive amount of seeds. Most people eat the seeds. Ancient myths considered them fruits of the gods.

#8: Pando forest

Believe it or not, these trees are all one entity.
What makes the Pando forest interesting is that every tree is part of one ginormous colony all connected to one root system. The whole colony takes up 106 acres and weighs 6600 short tons. To put that into perspective, the blue whale can be up to 30 meters long and weigh up to 190 tons.

#7: Rainbow eucalyptus

Rainbows obviously aren't exclusive to the sky!
These trees reveal bright colors when the surface bark is broken off. The bark underneath starts out brown, but changes color over time. They thrive in rich, medium to wet soil in full sun and are intolerant of frost.

#6: Bladderwort

Aquatic arthropods, tadpoles and small fish beware!
These plants live in freshwater, using several bladder-like traps to capture small aquatic creatures. The traps suck prey up when trigger organs are touched. Instead of roots, they have horizontal stems that bear the traps.

#5: Buddha's hand

These things should've been called octopus bananas!
These citrus fruits are named because the long growths are said to resemble fingers. They are widely used for perfumes in China, Malaysia and Japan because of their wonderful smell. They are also given as religious gifts in Buddhist temples.

#4: Rafflesia Arnoldii

Look at how big this thing is!
This huge flower emits the smell of an animal's carcass. This smell is used to attract scavenging insects who will pollinate it. At 3 feet across and 15-24 pounds, this is one of the largest flowers in the world.

#3: Sundew

No matter how pretty it looks, don't touch it!
Covering the leaves of this plant are hundreds of tentacle-like growths, each one sporting a sticky glob of mucilage. When an insect touches any of the globs, the leaf wraps around the hapless victim and starts to digest it. Their aroma also helps in luring prey.

#2: Doll's Eye

Okay, this is creepy.
These only thing scarier than this plant's weird appearance is its threat level. The eye-shaped berries contain enough toxins to cause cardiac arrest in fully grown adults. They ripen in the Summer and temporarily die down in the Winter.

#1: Hydnora Africana

You most likely won't like the smell of this thing.
This plant emits the smell of bodily waste to attract its natural pollinators, dung beetles and carrion beetles. It temporarily traps the beetles so they can be covered in pollen. It also looks like some kind of plant monster coming out of the ground.

These plants are very much real and very much worth paying attention to. Know any more unusual plants I may have missed? Talk about them in the comments. I'll see you later. Have a good day or night depending on what time it is.


Friday, July 20, 2018

15 Scariest enemies in video games

These enemies will give kids and adults nightmares. From leviathans that can swallow you whole to zombies that go for your throat, join me as we count down 15 of the gaming industry's most nightmarish enemies. Bosses won't be counted since they will have their own list. Warning: This list has a lot of nightmare fuel. Viewer's discretion is advised.

#15: Minecraft: Enderman

Get too close and this thing will be holding your head!
These eerie-looking guys spend most of their time wandering around, picking up random blocks and teleporting about. Once your crosshair is over their faces, however, they start coming towards you with intent to kill. The noises they make as they hunt you down only makes them more terrifying.

#14: Legend of Zelda: Redead

These guys crave blood!
While their appearance changes repeatedly throughout the series, their behavior remains the same. As they shamble towards the player, they let out piercing screams to paralyze their targets. Any player that makes contact will be eaten alive.

#13: Subnautica: Ghost Leviathan

This thing would be perfect for the Flying Dutchman!
The Reaper Leviathan was bad enough, but these guys are even worse. Not only are they about twice as long, their transparent skin and bio-luminescence give them a ghoulish appearance. When attacking, they emit an absolutely nightmarish shriek.

#12: Quake: Shambler

Take cover!
This eyeless behemoth can take a beating and deliver one. It's also surprisingly fast, it can electrocute you from a distance and it takes half damage from explosive weapons. The manual states that even the other monsters fear it (though they will attack it if provoked in game).

#11: Fallout: Deathclaw

Crocodiles ain't got nothing on these monsters!
These guys were originally chameleons, but the radiation released by the nuclear war turned them into monstrous beasts. These guys are not only strong, they are also incredibly fast and they can take a beating. They have a wide variety of forms, each one itching to disembowel you.

#10: Doom: Arch-vile

This guy means business!
The instructions to the 2nd game calls this guy one of the worst of a bad lot and it isn't lying. This guy is fast, his fire column attack hits hard and he can either raise dead monsters (Doom 2) or summon monsters himself (Doom 3). When you see him, you know you're in for a bad time.

#9: Halo: The Flood

If you have a flamethrower, bring it!
The parasitic Flood is capable of bringing entire ecosystems to extinction. It spreads across the universe in search of food, turning everything in its path into zombie-like monsters. The Flood has a large variety of beasts to send your way.

#8: Deadspace: Necromorphs

Nasty and horrifying!
These abominations were dead corpses turned into man eating beasts. They tend to show up unexpectedly and they have a variety of nightmarish beasts to send your way. As if that wasn't bad enough, you have to tear them limb from limb to kill them.

#7: Splatterhouse: Every. Single. Enemy.

Once this guy's head comes off, he sprouts a giant hand out of his throat! I'm not kidding, people!
Honestly, there isn't an enemy in this series that isn't nightmarish (cutesy spin-offs not withstanding). Every enemy you encounter is either a horrible mutant or haunting ghoul and every single one wants to eat you. Good thing Rick is a muscle bound badass otherwise these games would be impossible to win.

#6: Dark Souls: Mimic

Some chests are best left alone.
What makes these things extra deadly is their camouflage. They look like ordinary chests at first, but when you come close they sprout gruesome limbs and mouths and they try to eat you alive. If you're not careful, it won't take long for these things to end you.

#5: The Last of Us: Clickers

One bit and you're done!
As if the fungal zombie apocalypse wasn't bad enough, we also the Clickers to deal with. While they can't see, they can definitely hear and they make a clicking noise while on the hunt. By the way, when they make contact, they go for your throat immediately.

#4: Resident Evil 4: Regenerador

This ain't your average zombie!
What these guys lack in brain power, they more than make up for with durability. As their name says, they can regenerate almost instantly from any damage they take, even regrowing lost limbs and heads. The best way to kill them is to use an infrared scoped rifle to shoot the plagas within their bodies.

#3: Left 4 Dead: Witch

Just leave her be and you won't lose your guts.
Instead of magic, these monsters are armed with long, extremely sharp claws. When disturbed, they will dash right towards you and slice your stomach wide open. You'll know when a witch is nearby if you hear haunting sobbing.

#2: Alien Isolation: Xenomorphs

Where's Ripley when you need her?!
These guys are just as terrifying here as they were in the movies. Not only are they invulnerable to every weapon in the game, they will slaughter you the moment they touch you. Worst of all, they are highly intelligent creatures who will adapt to your patterns, making it harder and harder to hide from them.

#1: Amnesia Justine: Suitors

These nightmares are ex-lovers of Justine who were tortured to insanity. Theirs eyes were gouged out, so they hunt you via sound. While hunting, they call out to Justine in some of the most disturbing voices you can possibly imagine.

Honorable mentions

Plants Vs. Zombies: Gargantuar

Look at those arms!
This muscular behemoth can take a beating and destroy nearly any plant in his path with one blow. When half his health is gone, he'll throw a small zombie deep within your defenses. Granted, this guy is still rather humorous like the rest of the series, but he's still pretty scary the first time you meet him.

Super Mario Odyssey: Maw-Ray

Meat Unagi's high res cousin!
These eels reside within underwater caves in the Seaside Kingdom. When you go near their burrows, they suddenly dart out and try to eat you alive. As if their appearance wasn't enough, these things are large enough to swallow Mario whole.

I am really glad these monsters don't exist in real life. Feel free to tell me about any enemies you feel deserve to be on this list. I can't wait for people to mass question why that man-eating piano from Super Mario 64 was excluded. I'll see you later. Have a good day or night depending on what time it is.


Sunday, July 15, 2018

15 Video game weapons of mass destruction

These weapons are worthy of Chuck Norris. From rifles that can achieve one hit kills with bodyshots to guns that fire multiple mini-nukes in one use, join me as we count 15 video game weapons that can turn armies into liquid. Note: I will not be including weapons found in flash games or mods. I will also exclude lethal joke weapons, since they have their own list.

#15 Counter Strike: AWP

Sorry for the flashbacks.

Bringing this thing out in an online match will get you scoffed at. Unlike other sniper rifles, this gun can get a OHKO on any part of an enemy's body besides the feet. If the enemy team has a pro sniper who owns this weapon, your team won't last long.

#14 Plants Vs. Zombies: Cob Cannon

Who knew corn could be this deadly?

This plant lets you fire powerful cobs of corn at any area of the field. Unlike the other ONKO plants in the game, you can use this multiple times. Plant enough of these and you'll have near constant explosions.

#13: Megaman 2: Metal Blade

Sometimes, the simple weapon is the best.

Among the Blue Bomber's vast arsenal, the Metal Blade is widely considered the best weapon in the entire series. This weapon causes huge damage to nearly every enemy in its path, it can be thrown in 8 directions and it takes 4 uses to consume one bar of energy. If you want this game breaker, you'll have to blast Metal Man to pieces.

#12: Gold PP7

Now this is killing with style!

This weapon gives you 7 instant kill bullets per clip and it has infinite ammo. No enemy will want to contest you when you have this. To obtain it, you have to get a cheat by beating cradle on Agent mode in 2:15 minutes. 

#11: Unreal Tournament: Redeemer


This thing is a thermal nuke launcher. The first fire is self-explanatory, but the secondary fire lets you take manual control of the nukes. Need I say more?

#10: Mini Robot Wars: Atomic Bot

If you can't fire a nuke, be the nuke!

This game has plenty of explosive bots at your disposal, but this one tops em all. Its explosion covers the entire screen, destroying every enemy robot on screen. The upgrade makes it powerful enough to destroy the giants just as easily.

#9: Ratchet & Clank: R.Y.N.O

What's worse than 1 rocket? A boatload of them!

The abbreviation for this gun is "Rip You a New One" and for good reason. It fires tons of homing rockets at a time, obliterating entire armies with ease. You need to go through a different side quest in each game to obtain it, but the effort is well worth it.

#8: Halo: Scarab

The Covenant knows how to obliterate!

The blasts from these beasts can reduce entire armies to ashes. Their legs can also be used to crush any opposition. Strangely enough, they are usually manned by colonies of worms, just like the Covenant Elites.

#7: Metal Gear Solid V: Sahelanthropus

This doesn't look good...

Every version of Metal Gear was powerful, but this thing is overkill. This thing has nuclear armaments, 2 gatling guns, 6 guided missile launchers, 4 surveillance mine launchers, 2 metallic archaea nano-fiber blades, archaea grenades, a flame thrower and a rail gun. If this thing becomes a real world problem, I'm getting off this planet!

#6: Fallout: Experimental MIRV

Once those nukes start flying, you better start running!

The Fat Man is already very powerful, but this beast embodies the art of overkill. Instead of just 1 mini-nuke, this thing launches 8 of them. This weapon of mass destruction can be found in the National Guard Depot.

#5 Doom: BFG9000

Different models, same ability to massacre.

The only thing bigger than this gun's size is its power. Just one blast from this thing can clear an entire room full of enemies. Even the strongest demons in the series will fall after 2-3 shots. Note: The only exception is the Cyberdemon in Doom 3, which can only be killed by the Soul Cube.

#4 Red Faction Armageddon: Singularity Cannon

Imagine having a universal force of destruction at your fingertips!

This monster fires small projectiles that turn into black holes. When the holes are done sucking everything in, they explode like miniature nukes. Your enemies won't stand a chance if you bring this along.

#3 Bloons Tower Defense 6: True Sun God

$50,000 in primary, military, magic and support towers to this guy + $40,000 of these categories to its predecessor = overpowered incarnate.

The BTD series has had a lot of powerful weapons, but this physical god takes the cake easily. Like its predecessor, this thing becomes more powerful the more towers you sacrifice to it. At its max level, it can go through even the strongest bloons like a lawnmower through grass.

#2 Team Fortress 2: Robin Walker's Valve Rocket Launcher

Look at those stats!

There are a lot of game breakers in this game, but this is ridiculous. Available only to Robin Walker, this thing is the literal definition of rapid fire nuke launcher. Fortunately, Robin doesn't use this to win every game he plays. He only uses it when requested.

#1 Call of Duty: Tactical Nuke


Upon activation, this thing will kill every player on the field and end the round pronto. The team that activated it will automatically win, regardless of the score. You'll need to get a 25 kill streak to aquire this, which isn't the easiest thing in the world to do.

And that is my list of weapons that can easily turn wars into one-sided slaughters. I know there are plenty of weapons that I've missed, so leave suggestions in the comments section if you wish. I'll see you later. Have a good day or night depending on what time it is.


  • TV Tropes
  • Various wikis based on the games