About the labels

As the title says, this page has funny descriptions for each of this blog's labels, since I can't do that for the label pages.

Let's discuss them!

  • Comedic: Instead of being factual, these ones are just jokes.
  • Fails: They can't all be winners!
  • Food and drink: The yummiest of the categories.
  • Interesting: Was gonna be a little series on this blog, but I decided this should be it's own blog.
  • Music: Some damn fine tunes for your wandering ears!
  • Nature: Some of the craziest animals and plants that Mother Nature has ever made!
  • NSFW: These pages contain subjects not suitable for children or sensitive people. Be cautious!
  • Places: These parts of the world are a little out of the ordinary.
  • Pranks: Happy April Fool's Day! For an example of a prank, click here.
  • Real world items: Believe it or not, these things exist in our world.
  • Technology: Some unique devices are abound.
  • Television: Homework can wait, these shows need watching!
  • Toys: It's playtime!
  • Video games: Grab your controller and get to playing!

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