What's better than having a computer in your pocket? Having one on your wrist, of course! From notifiers that connect to your phone to full on computers that can replace your phone, join me as we count down 10 smart watches worth checking out.
#10: Martian
It looks like a normal watch, doesn't it? |
While this one at first appears to be a standard luxury watch, underneath the clock is a tiny screen that displays whatever notifications your connected smartphone might be trying to send you.
#9: Samsung Gear S2
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Spin baby, spin! |
It looks like your standard smartwatch, but it has a fun little secret. In addition to a touchscreen, this device holds a rotating bevel to help with navigating the menus. As if that wasn't enough, it is also compatible with 3G and 4G, so you don't even need to connect it to a smartphone to use it.
#8: VTech Kidizoom SmartwatchDX
They'll make a toy version of everything, won't they? |
Instead of iOS or Android, this smartwatch for kids features a unique OS made by VTech. It features 2 cameras, a mini USB port and its own apps and watch faces.
#7: Omate Truesmart
Not the biggest option, but an option nonetheless! |
This water-resistant little smartwatch can do everything a smartphone can do without being connected to one. It even includes a camera for picture taking, though at an awkward angle.
#6: Apple Watch
| Well to be fair, this watch is kinda fancy.
In exchange for being incredibly expensive, this smartwatch offers extremely high class and almost unmatched customization. In addition, it also has water resistant casing, force touch capability and a button that doubles as a knob for additional app control. Just be sure to have an iOS device to pair with it.
#5: Pebble
Press f to pay respects. |
Unlike the other watches on this list, this one runs a black and white LCD screen and is controlled with 4 buttons on the sides instead of a touchscreen. There are 3 variations of this device: The original, toy-like model, the fancy Pebble Steel, and the Pebble Time, which uses a fancy new colored screen. While the Pebble company is now defunct, there is a fan community called Rebble that keeps the software alive.
#4: Neptune Pine
This thing pretty much is a phone! |
Not only is this device much bigger than the standard watch (computer or otherwise), it can also function just like a smartwatch. As if that wasn't cool enough, the watch can also be detached from the strap to take pictures with.
#3: LeapFrog Leapband
Leave it to LeapFrog to put kids first! |
Because this watch is aimed at kids 6 and under, it offers no GPS or calling functionality. Instead, it has preloaded kids games, a virtual pet, activity tracking and an award system.
#2: Fossil Wrist PDA
Meet the great grandfather of smartwatches! |
Definitely the oldest device on the list, this device runs a black and white display and can synchronize data with a connected PC. While it might be dated nowadays, it was still a pretty big trail blazer for future smartwatches.
I know it goes on your wrist, but does this technically count? |
This device is possibly the most unique of the bunch. First of all, it debuted in 2006, before smartwatches became widespread. Second, it is by far the biggest device on this list, being more of a bracelet than a watch. Lastly, it uses a Linux instead of running an operating system tailored for smartwatches or smartphones.
If you're looking for some great wristworn gadgets, I think you'll be happy. If you can think of some other great smart watches, be sure to drop some suggestions in the comments section. I'll see you later. Have a merry Christmas.