Tuesday, December 31, 2019

10 Interesting phone cases

If you thought your smartphone couldn't be cooler, allow me to prove you wrong. From phone protectors with various tools attached to a case that's a phone all its own, join me as we count down 10 rather unique phone cases.

#10: Whale Case

Thar he or she does stuff!
True to its name, this case is in the shape of a whale, complete with flippered tail. The tail can be used for a number of different things, including holding your wired headphones and hanging the phone from a horizontal pole.

#9: Duck case

Functional and cute all at the same time!
The back of this case resembles a baby duck, complete with a cute beak and little legs. The legs can not only stand the phone up, but they can also hold your wired headphones.

#8: Pepper spray case

I'd say this'll show an attacker, but chances are they won't be seeing anything for a while when hit with this!
This case will not only protect your phone, but also protect you, because it has a pepper spray container ready to be used at any time.

#7: Kobwa Gameboy case

Sure you can just use an emulator to play Gameboy games on your phone, but that option doesn't include physical buttons!
This retro-style case has several built-in games that you can play at any time, even when the phone it's connected to is low on battery or charging.

#6: Fidget spinner case

Spin baby spin!
This phone case comes with a built-in fidget spinner that doubles as a phone grip.

#5: Bottle opener and lighter case

Going to a bar tonight? This'll be the perfect tool!
This heavy-duty case has 2 extra tools built in. The first is a bottle opener for your cold brew and the second is a contact lighter for your incendiary needs.

#4: Voxkin waterproof case

For they outdoorsman in you!

This heavy-duty case will protect your phone from any water that comes its way. Not only that, but it also has a built-in compass to help you find your way and a lanyard for easy holding.

#3: Taser case

When a problem comes along, you must zap it! If an attacker comes along, you must zap em!
This case has 2 functions. It can not only knock out any potential attackers, but can also charge your phone.

#2: TaskOne

If your thought your phone couldn't be more versatile, let this guy disprove your theory!
This case has multiple different tools on it, including a knife, a bottle opener, several screw drivers and wire cutters. It pretty much makes your phone even more useful.

#1: Eye Smart Case

2 Phones in 1? Now that's a phone case!
This is case is essentially an Android phone that fits over your iPhone. As of this writing this case is in the prototype stage, but I imagine it'd be really cool to have when it comes out.

If you were looking for some cool protective gear for your phone, I hope I helped. If you can think of any more versatile phone cases, fire up your keyboard and send some suggestions to the comments section. I'll see you later. Have a merry Christmas.


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