Saturday, February 27, 2021

20 Hilarious Wile E. Coyote fails

 Even by Looney Tunes standards, the amount of physical harm this unlucky canine can endure is amazing. Whether they get him blown up, lead to him falling off a cliff or are the results of the laws of physics making him their bi.... Err, punching bag, here are 20 of Wile E's most hilarious failed attempts at catching the Road Runner and Bugs Bunny.

#20: Super nobody: Fast and Furry-ous

Spoiler alert: This is a bad idea!

Wile E purchases a Superman costume and jumps off a cliff in an attempt to fly. He only succeeds in falling hundreds off feet onto the hard dessert ground. Talk about a super fail!

#19: Train from outta nowhere: Hot-Rod and Reel

Where'd that train come from?!

In an attempt to trap his mortal enemy, the Coyote sets up a fake railroad crossing. The second he springs his trap, a real train rams into him. Ouch!

#18: Bridge out!: Gee Whizz-z-z-z-z-z

Talk about wonky physics!

In a reverse of the usual painting gag, the Road Runner breaks through a painting Wile E draws... And Wile E enters the painting when he follows suit, falling through the chasm it depicted in the process. Too bad!

#17: Bunny bomb: Operation Rabbit

Brilliant. Unfortunately, Bugs also thought so...

Not one to give up (though he should), Wile E tries to blow Bugs up with a bomb disguises as a sexy bunny girl. However, a sexy coyote girl shows up at Wile E's doorstep... Which just happens to also be a bomb, designed by Bugs. You can do the math.

#16: Size changing pipe: Soup or Sonic

Maybe get away before the Road Runner gets hungry?

During an old school chase scene, both the bird and the canine run into a pipe that shrinks them to the size of an ant. When they run back through the same pipe, the former returns to normal size... And the latter remains tiny.

#15: What was the plan here? Whoa, Be-Gone!

For someone who claims to be a genius, he sure does do a lot of stupid stuff!

El Coyote's tightrope routine ends with the rope he was using breaking and him taking yet another plunge to the hard desert floor. This time, however, the rope reaches him... But not without touching a powerline first. At this point this coyote could give Meg Griffin a run for her money!

#14: Running through the dark: Beep Beep

At what point does he give up trying to catch that bird?

Dawning light up helmets, our favorite highspeed rivals wind up running all throughout a dark mineshaft. As unlucky as always, Wile E runs in circles, bounces off the ceiling and floor and finally winds up in a room full to the brim with dynamite.

#13: Right to the body: Beep Beep

That moment you realize you picked the wrong occupation!

The Coyote's next attempt at striking the supposedly Speed Force powered bird (tell me you can't imagine the Road Runner wearing a Flash costume!) involves a spring-loaded boxing glove. When sprung, the glove sends the boulder it's attached to flying into a nearby cliffside, and then slams in it's setters face.

#12: Detonator detonation: Fast and Furry-ous

Bad luck, thy name is Wile E. Coyote!

Sir Coyote tries the good ole dynamite trick on Sir Road Runner... Unfortunately, its the detonator that blows up in this situation, as opposed to the dynamite. Kaboom indeed!

#11: Ramp of in your face: Zoom and Bored

Talk about bombastic!

Still on the hunt for some really fast food, Wile E builds a super long ramp on a mountain with a bomb at the top. It takes a minute for the camera to pan up to the ramp's beginning... and a split second for the bomb Wile E lights up to explode in his face.

#10: Exploding water stand: Beep Beep

Tough luck buddy!

Wile E attempts to tries to bait his avian target with "free water" (spoiler alert: The glass is attached to a bomb), to no avail. Later on he mistakenly grabs that same glass... Guess what happens next!

#9: Miniature tornado of doom: Whoa, Be-Gone!

Even when small, tornadoes are bad news!

For his final attempt this episode, Wile E breaks out a tornado seeds and a water gun. Unfortunately for him, his water gun misfires and spills out on the seeds, creating a small tornado that ensnares him and drags him all over the desert, eventually bringing him to a minefield. Nature can be so cruel!

#8: Physics strike again: To Hare is Human

The laws of physics must really hate this guy!

In this short, Monsieur Egolicious employs an idea making machine to help him get the best of Bugs. His last attempt involves setting up a boulder to fall on Bugs when he picks a certain carrot. The rope connecting the 2 doesn't release when Bugs plucks said carrot... But it does when an annoyed Coyote touches it.

#7: Magnet go boom: Zipping along

Who knew TNT came in large metal barrels?

Good ole Eatius Birdius tries using steel balls and a giant magnet to catch Eatius Birdius. The only thing he catches is a giant TNT barrel, complete with lit fuse. Kaboom!

#6: Earthquake pills: Hopalong Casualty

Always read the fine print, everyone with a brain!

Finding out too late that they don't work on road runners, Fuzzy MC Unlucky swallows an entire pill of Earthquake pills and starts shaking violently all over the desert until he once again falls off a cliff. Well actually, the pills wear off right before he goes over, but in his relieved state he accidentally walks off another cliff. Tough luck!

#5: World's strongest magnet: Compressed Hare

No magnet should be this strong!

After several failed attempts at catching Bugs for lunch, Wile E. Decides to use a giant super magnet. Instead of catching bugs, the magnet catches Bugs' furniture, some ships, the Eiffel tower, several satellites and a massive rocket, which blows up the Coyote's base of operations. Next time use a weaker magnet!

#4: Coyote bot, Go!: The Solid Tin Coyote

Even humanoid canines dig giant robots!

After several more failed attempts trying to catch the Road Runner, the Coyote constructs a giant metal coyote to get the job done. Though the robot does succeed at first, it eats the Wile E. instead of the bird and then runs off a cliff like its forever unlucky creator. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree!

#3: Too fast for bullets: Gee Whiz-z-z-z-z-z

Stupid bullet!

Our canine friend tries to put a bullet to his adversary's head, but the bullet gives up after he outruns it. An annoyed Coyote grabs the stationary bullet, only for it to explode in his face.

#2: The catapult: To Beep or Not To Beep

If at first you don't succeed, try again. If at twentieth you don't succeed, maybe try something else!

Our furry antagonist decides to go medieval and tries using a catapult against his feathered fiend. His efforts are in vain, however, as the thing always slams its boulder payload into him regardless of what he does to avoid it. During his last attempt, the catapult refuses to fire until he goes to the boulder, sending him through yet another obstacle course of pain.

#1: A cabin full of explosive carrots: Operation: Rabbit

Sometimes your worst enemy is your own ego. Other times it's an oncoming train!

Wile E tries to use Bugs' love of carrots to his advantage by filling some fake carrots with nitroglycerin. Unfortunately, he's so busy setting his trap up and stroking his ego that Bugs has time to move the shack he's in onto some train tracks... And Wile E doesn't notice until right before the oncoming train slams into the shack, detonating ever drop of nitroglycerin it held.

Some people just can't catch a break, especially when they refuse to stop chasing after impossibly fast birds. There was no way I was going include all of his failures, so these were just some highlights. I'll see you later. Thanks for watching. Also if you feel bad or the coyote, here's a fan made video of him finally catching the Road Runner.


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