Sunday, October 31, 2021

30 Alternatives to candy to give out this Halloween

 Tired of giving out candy each Halloween? Maybe I can help. Whether it's healthy stuff, gags or other stuff, here are 30 things to give out to trick or treaters instead of candy. Caution: This is a gag blog. Don't try this at home (especially giving out some of the... Less pleasant stuff) unless of course you like getting your house covered in tp or rotten eggs.

#30: Apples

Give em something with some nutritional value!

#29: Baloney!

A HA HA HA HA!    

#28: Chocolate covered "peanuts"

Just don't tell the recipients that they're actually garlic cloves. Hey, why not pull a prank or two this holiday?

#27: Kids show/movie dvds

This'll entertain them much longer than any candy bar. Be sure to include some Caillou and/or Peppa Pig if you want to torment the parents.

#26: Frozen pipes disguised as ice pops

It'll be just like A Christmas Story, but with a much smaller pole.

#25: A good scare

For best results, wear a scary mask and scream as you open the door. Just don't do this to someone with heart problems.

#24: Some pocket change

Tell them to buy their own dang candy!

#23: Miniature bibles

Tell them about Jesus while they're still impressionable.

#22: Grapes disguised as eyeballs


#21: Sleep gummies

At least you're doing the parents a favor, right?

#20: Expired restaurant coupons

Oh the disappointment!

#19: Mini soda bottles

Just make sure the caps are screwed on real tight so the recipients will have a hard time opening them!

#18: Nuts and bolts

As well as directions to your enemy's home. And tell the kids that said enemy stole all your trick or treat candy!

#17: Rocks

Optional step: Pray they don't get thrown at your house. Just because Charlie Brown took getting these in stride doesn't mean every trick or treater will!

#16: Another good scare

Those kids are gonna be scared witless if you spontaneously "die" and then "come back to life" right in front of they're eyes! Again, don't do this to people with heart problems.

#15: Wooden stakes

Just in case a vampire attacks!

#14: Ghost peppers


#13: Dental stuff (toothpaste/floss etc)

They'll thank you when they don't have cavities from all the candy they'll inevitably indulge in!

#12: Completely empty batteries

Because your a jerk!

#11: Bacon

Depending on whose at your door, they might just like this more than Butterfingers or Pixie sticks.

#10: A sneeze

This one's self-explanatory.

#9: Used up gift cards

This will get on their bad sides!

#8: Worms

If you want to be extra jerky, color them so they look like gummy worms first.

#7: Fake gemstones

If the trick-or-treaters at your door are gullible, they'll think they're rich!

#6: Fake poop


#5: Retro game controllers sans cords

At least they'll make cool fidget toys.

#4: Toilet paper and eggs

Better them than you!

#3: A scream in the ear


#2: Indecent exposure

Flash em baby!

#1: Expired candy

Honestly, this might just be the worst thing on this list.

Just to remind you, this list is just for fun and shouldn't be taken seriously. Nonetheless I hope you enjoyed. Thanks for reading and have a safe and happy Halloween. Also click here for a similar list on I-Mockery, which I did not steal the idea for this list from.

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