Wednesday, October 31, 2018

15 Barbaric forms of torture

Throughout the ages, people have come up with many different ways to damage their enemies beyond repair. From being hung on a cross until you bled to death to having a rat claw its way into your chest, join me as we count down 15 barbaric forms of torture that make the electric chair look like a day at the spa. Warning: This is easily the most terrifying list I've made so far, because unlike SCP-106 and Giygas, these methods actually exist. Viewer's discretion is advised.

#15: Gibbeting

Captain Kidd did not receive the best demise...
This is the least gruesome method of torture on this list, but it's still extremely cruel. The victim was locked in a cage that heavily limited their movement and hung from a strong tree branch until they died.

#14: Scaphism

It's best I show this bath tub instead of the results of this punishment...
The victim was forced into a large tub with only their heads showing. They were then force fed milk and honey, the later of which was also smothered over their faces. The honey and the victim's waste would attract insects whom would eat their flesh, causing it to grow gangrenous.

#13: Tiger Bench

This torture method is still used today!
The Chinese would use this technique to punish those who practiced Falun Gong. Victims legs strapped to a bench and their backs strapped to a board. After that, bricks were placed under their feet until either their legs or the straps broke.

#12: Breast Ripper

Thank the Heavens this thing is no longer in use!
This device was made specifically to rip the breasts off of women who practiced adultery or self-abortion. The sharp ends were usually heated to unbearable temperatures before being inserted into the victim's chest area.

#11: Bamboo torture

Who knew something so innocent looking could be used to kill?
Victims of this Chinese death sentence were hung horizontally over sticks of bamboo that were sharpened and left in place until the bamboo grew long enough to impale them. This works because not only is bamboo hard, but it also grows quickly.

#10: Burning at the stake and pressing

Image by Avvakum
During the Salem Witch Trials, people accused of witchcraft were tied to a large wooden pole and set ablaze. Those who refused a trial were placed under a large board and covered with large rocks until either took the trial or were crushed to death.

#9: Flying carpet

This'll send you to a whole new world of pain!
The only thing ISIS' monstrous device has in common with mythical flying carpets is the name. Victims were strapped to hinged wooden boards which were bent backwards until their spines broke.

#8: Crocodile shears 

Still cleaning than feeding prisoners to an actual crocodile!
This hellish pair of scissors was heated red hot before it was closed on a victim's appendages. Sometimes this weapon was even used on a persons private parts. It was mainly used on assassins who tried to kill the king in late medieval Europe.

#7: Spanish Donkey

The gruesome instrument of torture is on the left of the image.
The victim is put on a large wedge with a sharp top and then various weights are put on their legs until the increasing gravity causes the wedge the tear them in half. Often tons of spikes were added to the wedge to increase the agony.

#6: Iron maiden

Look at those spikes!
The victim was forced into a large metallic box that had large spikes on the inside, impaled them when the doors were slammed shut. Historians doubt that this technique was ever actually used, but that does nothing to erase the fear.

#5: Blood Eagle

Its hard to see on this Stora Hammers stone, but its still there...
This viking tailored execution technique involved slicing the victim's back open until their ribcage was visible and pulling their lungs out until the victim suffocated. It was named because it made the victim look like they had blood-stained wings.

#4: Brazen bull

The victim is placed inside of a large brass bull and a fire is set underneath it to essentially cook him or her alive. The device was designed to make the inevitable screams of agony sound like the bellowing of a bull. Ironically, the person who made it was its first victim.

#3: Torture chair

Electric chair? What's that?
Victims were strapped to chairs containing hundreds of sharp spikes. Some chairs also had compartments underneath the seats to hold heating elements. This chair was also used to scare confessions out of prisoners as they watched other experiencing this torture device.

#2: Rat torture

You thought these guys were little more than pests, didn't you?
A cage holding a large rat is strapped to the victim's chest, then a source of heat is placed next to the cage. With nowhere to go, the rat resorts to clawing the victim's chest to escape the heat.

#1: Crucifixion

He died for your sins, you know!
This form of execution is famous for being how Jesus Christ died. The victim is laid out on a cross which their hands and feet are shortly nailed to. The cross is then risen and the victim is left to hang until they eventually die.


I'm sorry for any nightmares you suffer in advance. If you can think of any forms of torture I missed, leave your suggestions in the comments. I'll see you later. Have a happy Halloween.

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