Wednesday, October 31, 2018

15 Scariest bosses in video games

There's eerie, and then there's these monsters. From an old-cartoon version of Satan himself to extraterestrial abominations, join me as we count 15 of the most nightmarish bosses in gaming history. I will be excluding monsters in games were you can't fight back and for the most part bosses in kids games, since they have lists of their own. Warning: This list has plenty of nightmarish material. Viewer discretion is advised.

#15: The Devil

This guy does NOT like those who refuse to pay their soul contracts!
Satan certainly stands out in the otherwise cute but difficult world of Cuphead. First of all, his fight takes place in hell. His first stage is pretty mild, but he becomes gigantic when you advance to his second phase. If you lose to him, you see him holding Cuphead and Mugmans severed, soulless heads. That being said, this is still a rather cartoony version of the devil and the final part of the fight is him bawling his eyes out as you finish him off, hence why he's so low on the list.

#14:  Starfox: Andross

That's just nasty!
This monkey's first form was monstrous enough, but his second form is even worse. Once his head and hands is destroyed, all that's left is his brain and eyes. The tendrils underneath the brain only make this boss that much worse.

#13: Undertale: Photoshop Flowey

Just look at it!
The final boss of the neutral path of this retro-style game is disturbingly out of place. The various parts that make it look vastly different from anything else in the game, it has a huge variety of ways to destroy you and it actually uses save states to give itself an advantage. Before the fight even starts, the game closes itself. Once you reopen it, the intro glitches out and your current save file is replaced with Flowey's. 

#12: Super Metroid: Mother Brain

Houston, we have a problem...
This fight starts out like the other battles, but it takes a turn for the worse when she acquires a large robot body. Not only does the body itself look nasty, the brain also grows a jaw full of sharp teeth. Mother Brain becomes much more powerful in this form, nearly killing Samus before the baby Metroid from earlier sacrifices itself to save her.

#11: Spider-Man: Monster Ock

Now would be the time to run!
This is what happens when the Carnage symbiote bonds with Dr. Octopus. Not only does this thing look terrifying, he's also a cold-blooded psychopath. Not only that, you also have to avoid him while escaping the doctor's exploding base.

#10:  Splatterhouse: Biggie Man

One chainsaw is bad news. Two is straight up overkill!
This humanoid abomination has chainsaws for hands and the determination to use them. Despite his lack of skin, he can take a lot of pain before going down. Before you fight him in the remake, the much feared Terror Mask says you're screwed upon seeing him.

#9: Metal Gear Solid 3: The Sorrow

Now this is a haunting experience!
This ghoulish mercenary shows up after Snake's near death experience. Through out the fight, you're forced to walk through a deep river while the ghosts of Snake's previous victims haunt him. You can't kill this guy and the battle ends with Snake seemingly dying from an unknown cause.

#8: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time: Dead Hand

Evidently, this guy has numerous past victims!
This thing manages to stand out in what is essentially a corpse den in a well. Once you get grabbed by one of the 4 hands sticking out of the ground, this blob of flesh comes out to eat you alive. Its wide open mouth and bloody markings don't help anything. By the way, he doesn't disappear when he is defeated.

#7: The Evil Within: The Keeper

Meet the safe-headed butcher!
This lethal slaughterer has a knack for butchering his victims. Armed with a huge meat tenderizer, a sack of severed heads and barbed wire mines, the Keeper hunts the grounds in search of fresh meat. He was born from a combination of Ruvik's memory of the safe where he kept his research, and his unbridled rage

#6: Castlevania: Beelzebub

This is just GROSS!
Few things are as gruesome as a gigantic zombie that was cut up and hung on large hooks. This burial gone horribly wrong doesn't attack you on its own, instead a swarm of large flies do the fight for it. If this list was ordered based on gruesomeness, this thing would be number one.

#5: Kirby's Dream Land 3: Zero

This was aimed at kids?!
Even considering the amount of disturbing villains Kirby has slain, this guy stands out big time. He spends most of the fight firing blood at you and when he loses enough health, his eye gorily erupts out of his body and continues to attack you. This guy is made much more jarring because of how much he clashes with the rest of the game.

#4: Resident Evil 4: Nemesis

This guy is the T-800 of the Tyrants.
This monstrosity combines the immense strength and durability of the Tyrants with enough brain power to operate a rocket launcher. It also has tentacles for grabbing prey from afar. Throughout the game, the Nemesis hunts Jill down like a wolf hunting a deer. 

#3: Doom: Spider Mastermind

If Krang has a cousin, this would be it.
Of all the demons in this series, the creepiest by far is the Spider Mastermind. As if her face wasn't ghastly enough, she comes equipped with a heavily armored spider tank and a powerful gatling gun. If you plan on facing her, be sure to bring the BFG9000.

#2: Silent Hill: Pyramid Head

Even the other fog-covered monsters fear this guy!
When this freak isn't hunting the player, he is subjecting the other monsters to horrific acts and sexually abusing mannequins. He is immune to conventional weaponry and his weapon choice of a monstrously oversized knife. He is the manifestation of James's unfulfilled desire for punishment.

#1: Mother 2/Earthbound: Giygas

Those reptilians are looking pretty cute now, aren't they?
What better way to end this list than with a horrific abomination from an otherwise bright and colorful game? Giygas spends the whole battle swirling around the screen with a terrifying look on his face, saying things like "It hurts... It hurts... good". You can only destroy this thing by praying and its second stage changes the background to have many copies of him slowly moving across the screen.

And those are what I consider the most nightmarish bosses that any video game protagonists have fought against. I'd like to hear about your opinions. I'll see you later. Have a happy Halloween.


  • TV Tropes
  • WatchMojo

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