Thursday, October 31, 2019

10 Way too dangerous internet challenges

Some people will do literally anything to be internet famous. From setting yourself on fire to depriving yourself of an essential activity for as long as possible, join me as we count down 10 internet challenges so dangerous you could easily call them forms of suicide. Warning: this list contains challenges that can result in your death. Viewers discretion is advised and I highly suggest you don't even think of doing any of these challenges. Side note: I will not be covering any paranormal games as they could fill a list all their own.

#10: Chubby Bunny

Newsflash! Trying to swallow this many marshmallows at once is a really bad idea!
The goal of this challenge is to shove as many marshmallows into your mouth as possible and say the phrase "chubby bunny". As tasty as marshmallows are, shoving a whole bunch of them in your mouth at once is a one way ticket to self asphyxiation street.

#9: Cinnamon challenge

So good for baking and yet so bad to swallow alone. Irony strikes again!
The goal of this challenge is to swallow a spoonful of cinnamon without drinking anything. What those doing this don't tell is that the spice dries your mouth and throat and in worse case scenarios can choke you to death if you try to ingest too much.

#8: Duct tape challenge

So many great uses... This is not one of them!
The goal of this challenge is to have yourself wrapped up in duct tape and try to break free as fast as possible. Besides the obvious bondage undertone, this challenge also offers the risk of you falling and breaking your neck as you struggle against the tape.

#7: Cold water challenge

Meet the ice bucket challenge's far worse ancestor!
The goal of this challenge is to dive into a large body of very cold water. Can anyone say hypothermia?

#6: Salt and ice challenge

The goal of this challenge is to put salt on your skin and then placing an ice cube on the salted area and endure the pain as long as possible. The thing is, putting salted ice on your skin can cause serious burns, ironically considering its ice your using.

#5: Car surfing

This kind of activity should be reserved for the waves, dude!
The goal of this challenge is to stand on top of a car as its moving at a fast rate. The main draw of it is seeing how long you can stay afloat before you crash into the pavement or end up under the over 1 ton vehicle.

#4: Pass out challenge

Last time I checked, most people's hobbies didn't involve intentionally knocking themselves out! Image courtesy of VectorStock.
The goal of this challenge is to hold your breath as long as possible before you pass out. What the millions of people doing this don't tell is that holding your breath for too long cuts off oxygen to your brain and can result in you falling into something that can kill you instantly.

#3: Tide Pod challenge

Things like these belong nowhere near your mouth!
The goal of this challenge is to swallow Tide Pods. Because nothing says delicious after dinner treat like tiny pods containing loads of laundry cleaning materials!

#2: Sleep deprivation challenge

No amount of caffeine can replace getting a good night's rest!
The goal of this challenge is to keep yourself awake for as many nights as possible. One important thing to note is depriving yourself of sleep can cause you to experience brain damage and make you hallucinate.

#1: Fire challenge

Doing this challenge is just asking to be burnt to ashes!
The goal of this game is to set yourself on fire and then put yourself out as quickly as possible. Need I say more?

The best advice I can give for doing these challenges is to not even think about doing them. The risk of getting yourself killed is just too high. Also I apologize if the dark comedy of this post is off putting to you. If you can think of any other internet challenges that can cause your downfall, be sure to mention some in the comments. I'll see you later. Have a happy Halloween.


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