Saturday, October 31, 2020

10 horrible diseases you do NOT wanna catch

You thought Covid-19 was bad? Wait until you see what these diseases are capable of. From conditions that make you want to die to bacteria that massacred people in the past, join me as we count 10 of the worst diseases this world has to offer. Warning: This page contains some real nasty stuff. Viewers discretion is advised. You should also probably not eat while reading this page. Trust me, you'll be vomiting before you know it

#10: Bubonic Plague

Those affected by this disease will suffer severally swollen lymph nodes and often times a painful death. You can get it from being bitten by infected fleas or being around the corpses of animals that have it. 

#9: Aids

This sexually transmitted disease completely destroys the immune system, making the victim more vulnerable to other diseases. Even worse, there's currently no cure for it, though it can be prevented by practicing safe sex.

#8: Aquagenic Urticaria/Water allergy

If you have this, your body will break out in painful rashes whenever it comes into contact with water. Its currently unknown what causes this disorder, although some scientists believe there's a genetic component to it. There's currently no permanent cure.

#7: Cholera

Symptoms for this disease include vomiting, muscle cramps and watery diarrhea so severe that you risk death by dehydration. It spreads through a number of means, but its found most easily in areas with poor sanitation. Fortunately, avoid it is as easy as avoiding unsanitary areas and practicing good hygiene. There are also several vaccines available for it.

#6: Trigeminal Neuralgia

Those with this disease suffer from pain comparable to being struck in the face by lightning. It is unknown what causes it, but fortunately it is curable.

#5: Cancrum Oris

This disease causes painful ulcers to form on the inside of the mouth, eventually wearing down the tissue to the point of nonexistence. It is caused by a number of bacteria and mainly affected impoverished and malnourished children in poorer parts of the world. Progression of it can be halted with antibiotics and improved nutrition, but the physical damage will require plastic surgery to reverse.

#4: Ebola

Victims of this disease are subject to a number of painful symptoms, including severe headaches, weakness, vomiting and eventually liver and kidney failure. It is caused by a number of viruses (namely Sudan Virus, Bundibugyo virus, Tai Forest virus, and Ebola virus) and there is currently no cure for it besides death.

#3: Encephalitis lethargica/Sleepy sickness

Those "lucky" enough to survive this will be unable to move or speak. There is no known cause of this disease, but there are treatments for some of its symptoms.

#2: Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva

This disorder is extremely rare, but nonetheless horrifying. If you have it, your body will replace broken flesh with bone matter, eventually making you unable to move. Even worse, it is incurable, so your best bet is to try and avoid damaging your skin as much as possible.

#1: Necrotizing fasciitis/Flesh eating disease

This disease causes rapidly destroys your skin, causing extreme pain and an excruciating death. It usually enters you through cuts or burns. It is usually treated with either amputation of the infected limb or combinations of various antibiotics

If this page didn't convince you to practice better hygiene, I don't know what will. Given the amount of diseases in the world, I'm bound to have missed some. If you have some suggestions, leave them in the comments section. I'll see you later. Have a happy Halloween, provided of course Covid-19 doesn't ruin that as well.


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